Shrek The Musical Jr

By Empire Performance Studio (other events)

8 Dates Through Mar 20, 2016

Come see our awesome & talented kids in this fun show! If you love the movie Shrek, you'll love seeing these characters come to life on stage! Pre-Sale Tickets are $12 and Tickets At-The-Door are $18. 7:00pm shows on Friday & Saturday - March 11, 12, 18, & 19. 3:00pm shows on Saturday & Sunday - March 12, 13, 19, & 20.

This show features a double cast. Cast performances will go in this order:

Weekend 1 - A(Fri 7pm), B(Sat 3pm), A(Sat 7pm), B(Sun 3pm)

Weekend 2 - B(Fri 7pm), A(Sat 3pm), B(Sat 7pm), A(Sun 3pm)

Mailing Address

2282 Business Way Riverside, CA 92501